Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice is a coalition that depends on moral, logistical, and financial support from the wider community. All donations of any amount make a huge difference and are very gratefully received!
Join our list of member congregations and organizations!Advent Lutheran Church
Beth Israel Center Bethany United Methodist Church Bethel Lutheran Church, Madison General Board of Church and Society Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Church Christ Presbyterian Church Church Women United in Madison, Inc. Circle Sanctuary Congregation Shaarei Shamayim First Baptist Church, Madison First Unitarian Society of Madison Social Justice Ministries First United Methodist Church & Society Mission Team Holy Wisdom Monastery Just Dane Lake Edge Lutheran Church Lake Edge United Church of Christ Mission Team Madison Friends Meeting (Quaker) Memorial United Church of Christ - Fitchburg Middleton Community UCC Faith in Action Team North Central Wisconsin Worship Group (Quaker) Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ People's United Methodist Church Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ Snowflower Sangha St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church St. Johns Lutheran Church Still Point Zen Center Temple Beth El Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.