Leviticus 19 tells us “do not stand idly by while your neighbor bleeds..."
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice rises up and takes action as good allies to our friends and neighbors in need. We could not fulfill the call to carry out this critical work if not for you.
We Believe:
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice rises up and takes action as good allies to our friends and neighbors in need. We could not fulfill the call to carry out this critical work if not for you.
We Believe:
- Every human being is made in the image of God and worthy of respect and dignity.
- We should live by a social contract which calls upon both individuals and the state to work as partners to eradicate poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
- Access to quality education, housing, and affordable health care are human rights, not privileges.
- People of different faiths can and should work together as a community to advance the common good.